Hidden within the blocks and only revealed by imaginative minds are mazes, castles, rockets, race cars, giraffes, voyaging canoes, and musical instruments. Created by an award-winning architect inspired by his own children’s play, the big foam blocks are basically a portable playground that can turn any space into a place for learning, social interactions, and open-ended play.
Tracy Murch, Headteacher at Tasis Primary School, Surrey: “When they have an issue, they have to sort things out by themselves. If their building collapses, we asked them ‘what are you going to do about it’ rather than giving them a ready-made solution. We encourage them not to give up when encountering a difficulty and they learn to be persistent.” |
What is Imagination Playground?
An interactive, transformable environment that prompts children to manipulate their environment and create a playspace of their own (with sand, water and loose parts). Imagination Playground addresses a broader spectrum of play needs through opportunities for fantasy play and socio-cooperative play, in addition to more traditional running, jumping and climbing. Kids need to be active on many levels, and they need to exercise their minds as well as their muscles. |
Benefits & Usability
Physical: Creating new structures requires lots of movement and will keep children active for hours
Numeracy: Constructing new shapes is a great introduction to the concepts of weight, geometry and the principles of counting
Literacy: Children will engage in dramatic play providing opportunities for children to practice language and literacy
Sensory: Playing with foam blocks stimulates a variety of children’s senses such as touch, movement and balance
Imagination: Free play allows children to be anyone and do anything in the Imagination Play world
Clare, Early Years Teacher at Hopscotch Nursery, Brighton: "When we first received the set, we voluntarily put aside the instruction manual. The idea was to let children give free reign to their imagination and encourage free play."